Sustainable Superfoods

When a food gets blessed by the proverbial superfood spotlight, large amounts of effort and energy become focused on producing volumes for the global masses. Without properly thought out measures and regulations to control harvest and production of the newly crowned superfood, there may be repercussions to the environment and the community that are directly involved. Land clearing and mistreatment of humans and animals are all by products of the superfood status of coconut oil, quinoa and avocado.

While there is no denying that the term ‘superfood’ might have come out from a need to sell more product, there is also no denying its benefits of using these types of ingredients. All whole foods are nutritious so why not make use of what nature gave us? The question is not ‘Are Superfoods effective?’ Rather, it should be ‘Which types of superfoods are the most effective yet sustainable at the same time?’

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One sustainable superfood option is the sea buckthorn plant from Puredia. This plant gets its superfood status by having an appealing profile of various Omega fatty acids and Vitamins. Omega fatty acids are important molecules that play a role in the maintenance of mucous membranes and are important for healthy ageing.  In the skin, they aid in the regeneration of the skin barrier system, improve skin elasticity and help wound healing. They also have anti-inflammatory effects and are excellent for managing ageing skin.

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Puredia sustainably wild-harvests our sea buckthorn berries from Tibet, from our own land. We do not cultivate, simply relying on natural growth cycles of the plant. We work with local farmers who are trained to pick the produce only when they are at maximum maturity, with restrictions on how much plant they can collect. This allows the plants to regenerate. No herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers are used on the crop and suitable storage systems are put in place to maintain a fresh supply of our berries and oils throughout the year, even during the regeneration period.

Our extraction plant contains our own underground sewage treatment facilities to treat and manage the waste that is produced, always being mindful of what gets put out into the environment.

Socially, to ensure that the local communities are not disadvantaged, Puredia also helped start and contribute to the “Sea Buckthorn Fund for Poverty Alleviation”. This fund aims to provide education to local children, bring ecotourism to the area and preserve biodiversity – all of which help bring income to the area.

With measures like these, we can ensure that even if the demand for Sea Buckthorn rises dramatically, we are able to control and manage any social and environmental side effects, and enjoy superfoods in our products at the same time.

Omega 3 ≥ 4%
Omega 6 ≥ 3%
Omega 7 ≥ 9.5%
Omega 9 ≥ 5.5%
Vitamin C ≥ 1200mg/100g
Vitamin E ≥ 150mg/100g

100% Plant-based
Available in both oil & powder form 
TRI-CAP™ Microencapsulation Tech
Water Soluble
Sustainably & Responsibly Made

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