Swedish Magazine Kurera Interview on Sea Buckthorn - Small Berry with Large Potential

Kurera 2018 #5 p1.png

We are delighted to share that we were interviewed by a Swedish magazine, Kurera, on Sea Buckthorn - Small Berry with Large Potential. The translated article is as follows:

Sea Buckthorn - Small Berry with Large Potential

The small orange sea buckthorn does not look much to the world but has been used as a healing medicinal herb for millennia. The sea buckthorn that grows in Tibet lives on the cleanest plateau in the world in an ecosystem without any chemical impact - a completely clean environment, which provides the best sea buckthorn.

By Jessika Devert

The article covers the following topics:

  1. Undisturbed environment of Puredia's farm in Tibetan Plateau

  2. The ultimate super berry - Sea Buckthorn

  3. Environmentally friendly production of Omegia® and its effects on beauty from within and mucous membrane

  4. How the mucous membrane protects us (dry skin, dry eye, vaginal dryness)

Featured Product

Omegia® is an organic, Omega 3 6 7 9, beta-carotene, vitamin E formula for beauty from within and menopause. These nutrients help trigger the regeneration of the mucous membrane, particularly in the vaginal tissues, and support the natural hydration of the skin, eyes, and mouth. Typically, the effect is noticed in 2-4 weeks.