Are you experiencing dry, itchy eyes as you work from home?

With the outbreak of COVID-19, working from home has become the new normal. Dry and itchy eyes, have become more common among people, due to increased screen time.

Omegia® (Sea Buckthorn) Vegan Omega 3 6 7 9 Formula for dry eye alleviation and more-01.png

Dry Eye Statistics - At a Glance¹:

  • Currently, between 16 million and 49 million Americans have dry eyes, which equals to 5% to 15% of the population.

  • Global dry eye treatments are expected to top over $6.6 billion by the end of 2027.


Omega 7 For Dry Eye Alleviation And More

Sea buckthorn oil, containing Omega 3, 7 and potent antioxidants, have been shown to alleviate dry eye symptoms, such as redness and burning, etc. Results from clinical trials suggest that sea buckthorn oil help:

·      Modulate inflammation*²

·      Increase tear secretion*³

·      Prevent oxidative damage in the eyes*³

92% of patients with Sjögren`s syndrome had the condition of eye dryness improved by taking sea buckthorn oil*⁴. Moreover, this next generation nutrient is also clinically proven to support skin hydration and elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.*⁵

Omega 3 ≥ 4%
Omega 6 ≥ 3%
Omega 7 ≥ 9.5%
Omega 9 ≥ 5.5%
Vitamin C ≥ 1200mg/100g
Vitamin E ≥ 150mg/100g

100% Plant-based
TRI-CAP™ Microencapsulation Tech
Completely Water Disperable
Thermal and pH Stable
Sustainably & Responsibly Made

This ingredient is certified with:


  1. Dry Eye Directory. 2021. Dry Eye Statistics in 2020 - Dry Eye Directory. [online] Available at:,2010%20and%20July%202020%20%5B2%5D [Accessed 24 February 2021].

  2. Bernstein, A., Roizen, M. and Martinez, L. (2014). Purified palmitoleic acid for the reduction of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and serum lipids: A double-blinded, randomized, placebo controlled study. Journal of Clinical Lipidology, [online] 8(6), pp.612-617. Available at:

  3. Larmo, P., Järvinen, R., Setälä, N., Yang, B., Viitanen, M., Engblom, J., Tahvonen, R. and Kallio, H., 2010. Oral Sea Buckthorn Oil Attenuates Tear Film Osmolarity and Symptoms in Individuals with Dry Eye. The Journal of Nutrition, [online] 140(8), pp.1462-1468. Available at:

  4. Yang, B., 2006. Effect of oral supplementation with capsules of supercritical CO2 extracted sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides) oil on mucous membranes of patients of Sjögren's syndrome. 97th AOCS Annual Meeting&Expo 2006, St.Louis, Missouri, US

  5. Yang, B., Bonfigli, A., Pagani, V., Isohanni, T., von-Knorring, Å., Jutila, A. and Judin, V. (2008). Effects of oral supplementation and topical application of supercritical CO2 extracted sea buckthorn oil on skin ageing of female subjects. Journal of Applied Cosmetology, [online] 27(1), pp.13-25. Available at: