OPDHA™ is an exclusive product of Puredia using our advanced technology. It is an encapsulated powder of SeaBerry® oil and Algia™ oil which contains rich essential fatty acids Omega 3 (DHA), -6,-7 & -9 and potent antioxidant multivitamins and beta-carotene.
The FIRST and ONLY supplier of DHA plus Omega 7 Powder in the market
Natural fruity omega taste
High solubility and flowability, which makes it suitable for different applications like tablets, sachet, gummies
Wholly owned manufacturing facilities with international GMP certification
All the raw materials are the vegan origin and internationally-certified
Puredia Algia™ DHA oil comes from microalgae, free from pollution
Puredia SeaBerry® is originated from Tibetan Plateau, the Third Pole, at an altitude of 3000 meters. Its nutritional value is the highest among other bleeds and locations.
Supercritical CO₂ extraction – Low temperature and solvent-free process to preserve the delicate nutrients in their natural form
DHA ≥ 5%
Omega 7 ≥ 5%
Bernstein, Adam M., Michael F. Roizen, and Luis Martinez. “Purified palmitoleic acid for the reduction of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and serum lipids: a double-blinded, randomized, placebo controlled study.” Journal of clinical lipidology 8.6 (2014): 612-617.
Sinn, Natalie, et al. “Effects of n-3 fatty acids, EPA v. DHA, on depressive symptoms, quality of life, memory and executive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a 6-month randomised controlled trial.” British Journal of Nutrition 107.11 (2012): 1682-1693.
Stough, Con, et al. “The effects of 90-day supplementation with the omega-3 essential fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on cognitive function and visual acuity in a healthy aging population.” Neurobiology of aging 33.4 (2012): 824-e1.