Reverse Aging, Manage your Dryness, Inside Out

Think of a grape and a raisin - the grape, tight and plump, looks fresh and young, while the raisin, dry and wrinkled, looks just older Website.png

Dryness is one of the main reasons causing people to look older. Think of a grape and a raisin: the grape, tight and plump, looks fresh and young; while the raisin, dry and wrinkled, looks just older. We, humans, are not that different from grapes. As we age, we dry out. As we dry out, we start to experience problems in our skin, hair, eye, mouth, and vaginal area.

Here’s our clinically-supported Vegan Omega 3, 6, 7, 9 sea buckthorn oil, Omegia®, for moisturizing our body from inside out

Omega fatty acids (Omega 3, 6, 7, 9) are essential building blocks of our skinhair, and nail. They support the regeneration of our skin and normalizes its moisture balance. Studies have shown that oral intake of sea buckthorn oil improves skin hydration by 49%, skin elasticity by 26%, and reduces wrinkle by 9% in 3 months
Other than Omega, sea buckthorn oil comes with numerous potent antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, vitamin E, and plant sterol, which act together synergistically and exhibit mighty anti-inflammatory effects. In particular, the rare Omega 7 was shown to reduce inflammation by 44%
As a whole, sea buckthorn oil helps to alleviate inflammations in our body and stimulate the regeneration of our mucous membrane, helping to moisturize our whole body. According to published clinical trials, the study groups felt improvement in eye dryness and burning, mouth dryness, as well as their vaginal conditions, like itching, burning, pain, secretion, and dryness, after taking sea buckthorn oil.

Clinically-supported Vegan, Complete Omega formula for rehydrating the whole body

100% Plant-based
TRI-CAP™ Microencapsulation Tech
Completely Water Disperable
Sustainably & Responsibly Made

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