Happy Holidays from Puredia!
Thank you for being so supportive in 2022! Puredia is so grateful for your continued trust and support. We hope your holidays will be loaded with joy and laughter through the New Year. We look forward to working with you in 2023.
As to wrap up this year, we would like to present some of our popular highlights throughout this year:
Post-COVID: Ingestible Beauty with Overall Wellness features how ingestible skincare has risen significantly during the pandemic. One of the perfect choices to adapt to this trend is Omegia™, vegan Omega 3 6 7 9 oil and powder, which showed improvements in beauty and overall wellness in multiple clinical trials. For example, it enhanced skin hydration by 49%, elasticity by 26%, and wrinkles by 9%.
3 Keys to Anti-Aging – CyanthOx™ highlights how CyanthOx™, the most potent plant-based antioxidant, has demonstrated to slow down aging by three mechanisms: Rejuvenate – Improves cellular health by over 40%, Energize – Enhances mitochondrial health and nitric oxide, and Protect – Fights against free radicals >> Learn More
Revolutionary 30% Vegan DHA Powder illustrated how our 30% vegan DHA powder has higher DHA concentration, better bioavailability, no additives than others. >> Learn More